LaraMag – Tema Laravel News & Magazine Multilingual System Magazine.
Sistem Role yang powerfull: Kelola pengguna, tim, peran berdasarkan izin. Mudah untuk mengelola pengguna dengan izin.
Template admin hadir dengan skema warna yang sesuai dengan selera Anda. Sepenuhnya Responsif: Kompatibel dengan semua resolusi layar Standar Pengkodean: Semua kode mengikuti standar pengkodean PSR-2 dan praktik terbaik
Fitur Unggulan
- Page, blog, menu, contact, gallery, sliders… modules are provided with the use of components to avoid boilerplate code.
- RSS feeds for posts
- Multi language support. Unlimited number of languages.
- SEO & sitemap support: access sitemap.xml to see more.
- Powerful media system, also support Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces
- Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel.
- Translation tool: easy to translate front theme and admin panel to your language.
- Magazine theme is ready to use.
- Powerful Permission System: Manage user, team, role by permissions. Easy to manage user by permissions.
- Admin template comes with color schemes to match your taste.
- Fully Responsive: Compatible with all screen resolutions
- Coding Standard: All code follow coding standards PSR-2 and best practices
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